Rebuilt for brokers

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Rebuilt for brokers

A new way to lodge has arrived 

At Ubank we’ve rebuilt our lodgement platform from the ground up, 
with the help of brokers. Now there are no more snags, and a lot more speed.

From it’s refreshed, easy-to-navigate look, through to enhancements that cut repetition and 
let brokers choose their own path, the new, fast way to lodge is here and waiting for you to try it.

It’s new and it’s fast

We’ve streamlined and removed the stress points, placing the lodgement process firmly 
in your hands and simplifying the way you lodge, leading to less repetition and more results.

An agile application

An agile applicationThe application can now 
be completed in any order. Gone is the staggered approach.

A new flow for brokers

A new flow for brokersIn a feature unique to
Ubank, brokers can now 
re-use an Illion code
to eliminate the repeated data scrape of clients.

A single touch point

A single touch pointWe’ve introduced a single comm that contains all the customer tasks; VOI, smart statement scrape and consent. Less confusion. Less emails.

Give the new way to lodge a go